Bem estamos trazendo a letra da música “Blackbirds” em inglês, ainda hoje postaremos a tradução “ORIGINAL”.
[Mike começa]
Drop like get up
the base in the streets
So rock yeah get up
The base put in
Put it right yes get up
The base in the beat
Like a beat rocking
In the block on me
Speak for the club
Like passion blood they run on the streets
Someone wants to love
Lay the sick ones down
The bells will ring
Put the pennies on the eyes
Let the dead men sing
[Chester começa]
I shiver and shake through warm and cold and alone
On my own
In every mistake I dig this hole through my skin
And bones
It’s harder starting over
Than never to have changed
With blackbirds following me
I’m digging out my grave
They close in, swallowing me
The pain, it comes in waves
I’m getting back what I gave
I sweat through the sheet(?) as daylight breaks(?)
As I waste away
It traps me inside mistakes I made
That’s the price I pay
It’s harder starting over
Than never to have changed
With blackbirds following me
I’m digging out my grave
They close in, swallowing me
The pain, it comes in waves
I’m getting back what I gave
I drop to the floor like i did before
Stop, watching I’m coughing, I can’t be more
What I want, what I need over constant war
Like a well full of poison, a rotten core
The blood goes thin, the fever stings
And I shake from the hell that the habits bring
Lay the sick ones down
The bells will ring
Put pennies on their eyes, let the dead men sing
Blackbirds following me
I’m digging out my grave
They close in, swallowing me
The pain, it comes in waves
I’m getting back what I gave
I’m getting back what I gave
Créditos: @baahx e Colonna
Luís Felipe
abr 25, 2010 -
abr 25, 2010 -
Teeeenso, mas muitoooo fodaaa!!
Isso é LP!
Rodrigo Becker
abr 26, 2010 -
kkkkkkkkkkkkkk nem vo comenta
abr 26, 2010 -
LP é muito fodaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
abr 26, 2010 -
Blackbirds mto fodah!é como Mike disse,algo diferente mas ainda no estilo LP,mas vamos admitir,LP dakeles tempos de Hybrid e Meteora não voltam mais!Mas mesmo assim LP rocks ever!